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Suicide Prevention Links

Eight Good Websites for Infomation/ Support on Suicide and Prevention 

1. Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)


Crisis Line: 1-800-273- Talk (8255)


The SPRC is one of the most comprehensive resources for suicide prevention. In addition to information and training, they offer a hotline to help anyone who’s thinking of ending his or her life: 1 (800) 273-TALK.  The website has links to resources in different states and a video providing advice on how to help talk  people out of committing suicide.

2. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)


This website has lots of information about mental illness and suicide prevention, including statistics, symptoms, treatment options, and risk factors. This site is useful for understanding the connection between suicide and other mental health issues such as depression, bipolar disorder, and others.

3. The Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide (SPTS)


Teen suicide is a growing problem in America and many other countries. SPTS is a non-profit organization
created by parents whose teen-aged children committed suicide. It’s dedicated to helping to reduce the problem
of teen suicide by providing resources for teens, as well as, parents and educators. SPTS pushes for
legislation requiring teachers to undergo training in suicide prevention.

4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


The CDC is a government agency mainly known for addressing health issues. However, it also has information
about preventing violence and suicide. The website has links for preventing suicide in specific populations
such as gay men, Native Americans, traumatized children, and others.

5. Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention


This is a public and private alliance of organizations dedicated to preventing suicide.  The Action Alliance
works with many groups, including government agencies, religious groups, schools, and mental health
organizations to help people understand and prevent suicide. The Action Alliance, along with the Surgeon
General, released a report called National Strategy for Suicide Prevention, which is one of the most
comprehensive guides on this topic.

6. American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)


The AFSP website has a long list of resources, including crisis hotlines, advice for finding mental health
care, substance abuse treatment, and resources for issues such as cutting, borderline personality,
schizophrenia and other issues that often overlap with suicide. The AFSP also provides help to people who have
lost loved ones to suicide.

7. Crisis Text Line


Crisis Text Line: 741741

Teens are often more comfortable texting than talking. This Crisis Text Line provides real-life human beings
called, Crisis Counselors, who are trained to bring texters from a moment of crisis to calm with active
listening and collaborative problem solving skills. Additionally, their blog provides tips and education on supporting people in crisis.

8. HelpGuide

Website: is a website with information on a wide variety of mental health issues, including suicide.
The suicide prevention page has advice for both people contemplating suicide and those who want to help a
suicidal person. The site also provides a list exposing common myths about suicide, such as the idea that
people who talk about it won’t really do it.

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